Outdoor adventures of an Old Guy

Something to do with harmonica playing,Geocaching, hunting , fishing, hiking, camping, and things that go bump in the night

My Photo
Location: Wyoming Valley, NE Pa, United States

Just an old guy with lots of time on his hands.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

More Bears approching

Here's another video of the bears coming down the hill towards my stand.
It's a little shaky from the zoom, and me trying to keep track of where all of them were at the same time.
they got a little to close for comfort, so I chased them away before one tried to climb in with me.
one actually climbed up the ladder and ate my lunch while I was away last week.

It's bowhunting season and all I have been seeing is Bears, bears, bears!

Below are some of the pics. from my game cam.


A day in the woods

Went out bowhunting Yesterday and was greeted by a family of bears just before dark.
There is one big fellow in this group probably arround 500 lbs.

They have been here before going as far as climbing the ladder to my tree stand
and eating my lunch while I was away.
They got a little close for comfort and it nearing dark I had to chase them away.

one day I had the trail cam up in the stand and one climbed up and took his own picture

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